
class django_easyfilters.filterset.FilterSet

This is meant to be used by subclassing. The only required attribute is fields, which must be a list of fields to produce filters for. For example, given the following model definition:

class Book(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)
    genre = models.ForeignKey(Genre)
    date_published = models.DateField()

You could create a BookFilterSet like this:

class BookFilterSet(FilterSet):
    fields = [

The items in the fields attribute can also be two-tuples containing first the field name and second a dictionary of options to be passed to the filters as keyword arguments.

To use the BookFilterSet, please see the overview instructions. The public API of FilterSet for use consists of:

__init__(queryset, params)

queryset must be a QuerySet, which can already be filtered.

params must be a QueryDict, normally request.GET.


This attribute contains the input QuerySet filtered according to the data in params.

In addition, there are methods that can be overridden to customise the FilterSet:


This method can be overriden to render the filterset. It is called for each field in the filterset, with the field name being passed in.

It is expected to return a Django Template instance. This template will then be rendered with the following Context data:

  • filterlabel - the label for the filter (derived from verbose_name of the field)
  • choices - a list of choices for the filter. Each one has the following attributes:
    • link_type: either remove, add or display, depending on the type of the choice.
    • label: the text to be displayed for this choice.
    • url for those that are remove or add, a URL for selecting that filter.
    • count: for those that are add links, the number of items in the QuerySet that match that choice.

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